Job Scheduling Library

Idea: job scheduling small python library that just lets you decorate a function and register it with a job queue. This can be done based on just periodic.

queue = pyjob.Scheduler(config=...)

def func_n():
    # This will be invoked with no arguments every
    # N minutes

@queue.from_table(table_name=..., type=...)
def func(...):
    # automatically grabs one row from table matching type
    # then run this function on it

Open questions: - Should table schema be flexible or always just id, start, stop, payload - What if we want multiple daemons/stream processors from a table row entry; This brings up consistency and tight execution questions; Global lock can solve this?

  • I don't want a hard dependency on SQL Alchemy. How to abstract my ORM w/o just bringing another ORM?
  • Register a connector that exposes 'atomic_get_job' maybe?

  • What solutions exist already?

    • kinda different, looks legitimately like cron.